Thursday, July 14, 2005


Well, we've been living luxuriously for past few days. Flew business class from Singapore to Ho Chi Minh, which was very nice and we're staying in the hotel where President Clinton stayed in 2000!
Vietnam is very hot and a little sticky. We've been a bit wiped out from the heat and jet lag so have put the hotel facilities to good use - swimming in the pool, relaxing in the sauna & steam rooms and perhaps a yoga class later!
We have managed to fit in some sightseeing as well! Once we'd got used to crossing the roads without killing ourselves on our first day (the streets of Ho Chi Minh are staggeringly full of motor-cyclists who own the road, despite the consistent, insistent honking of horns by the few impatient car drivers), we took a long hot walk down to the Saigon river which was a little disappointing (more of a building site with water - bit like the Thames in parts!)
Yesterday we discovered the backpackers area - which is somewhat reminiscent of Ko Sahn Road (Bangkok, Thailand) in that it is full of vest top & short short wearing westerners with bad sun-burn! It's a good place to hangout though as there is much shopping (fantastic if you want beautifully embroidered handbags or a baseball cap) and lots of good, reasonable places to eat.
After a siesta - it's too hot to not nap in the afternoon! - and a dip in the hotel pool, we headed back here for dinner and a drink in GoGo bar which was full of backpackers but very cool none-the-less. You can probably tell we are a bit snobby when it comes to traveling and spend much time in denial that we are as touristy as the other tourists - sigh!
Anyway, today, we're taking it easy again in preparation for our bus journey to Phnom Penh (Cambodia) tomorrow morning. Bus leaves at 8:50 and arrives around 5pm if all goes well!
Till then x

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