Saturday, July 23, 2005

8 mile

Well, what a stay in Bangkok! James and Nong (our hosts for the duration, whose apartment and accompanying pool and gym facilities were second to none) showed us the classier and luxurious side to the city, one which we had previously neglected, due to our backpacker ways, back in 2001. The first nights were spent enjoying lovely Thai and Italian meals, with the grand finale at Q bar on Wednesay- which happened to coincide with James' celebrations after a talk to 300+ people that day, and Everton losing to Thailand in Bangkok that day (good news for James, a huge Liverpool, and now Thailand fan!). Q bar was host to none other than Ice-T, rapper extraordinare (to host an 8-mile rapping showdown), and unbeknown to us until we entered, the whole (rather disconsolate) Everton team!!!! Would have been nice to get a photo, but I don't think they were in the mood somehow ;) Thanks again James and Nong, and the other couple who kept us entertained on Wednesday night!

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